Saturday, November 17, 2007

I love pictures!!!

I LOVE TAKING PICTURES! I should probably point that out, which is probably a good thing since I used to be a photographer. I also love looking at good, no, GREAT pictures and trying to figure out how I can recreate them myself. I will not claim to be the best photographer in the world, or anywhere. I still need to learn all the technical stuff, but if you give me a two year old in a studio...well, you'll get SOMETHING, usually something good, or at least amusing. That is where my expertise lies.

Anyway, Flickr is something I was already familiar with. I've been using it as online storage for my pictures a while now...but other than that I never really played with it. I could get SO addicted! I could easily spend hours upon hours looking at pictures....which would of course distract me from taking my own, but I could be OK with that. This is definitely something that I will be using more than I was before. Sweet!!!

1 comment:

krl2pt0 said...

i think the thing that suprised me the most when i first poked around in flickr was how many really excellent photos get posted. i like some of the digital art that mix photos with other media, but also like the "film only" groups - more traditional stuff.

i can still remember the first time i saw edward weston's print of a pepper -- it hooked me on photography.
